Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Learning to Learn Quotes

A quote from Professor Kingsfield (in the Paper Chase)

"Here we use the Socratic method: I call on you; I ask you a question; you answer it. Why
don't I just give you a lecture? Because through my questions you learn to teach yourselves.By this method of questioning-answering, questioning-answering, we seek to develop in you the ability to analyze that vast complex of facts that constitutes the relationships of members within a given society.”


They Know Enough
who Know How to Learn

Henry Brooks Adams,
1838 - 1918
American journalist/author

Education in our times must try to find whatever there is
in students that might yearn for completion, and to reconstruct
the learning that would enable them autonomously
to seek that completion.’

Allan Bloom (1930-1992)